Mission of the Department of Education of the Philippines
To provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lays the foundation for life-long learning and service for the common good.
“To develop a highly competent, civic spirited, life skilled and God-loving Filipino youth actively participated in and contribute towards the building of a humane, healthy and productive society.” EDPITAF Vision Assist DepEd vigorously to:
• Provide access to qualify ad relevant education;
• Achieve equitable distribution of educational services/resources, and
• Develop a just, humane and progressive society.
• The ultimate goal of special education shall be the integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the regular school system and eventually in the community.
• Special education shall aim to develop the maximum potential of the child with special needs to enable him to become self-reliant and shall be geared towards providing him with the opportunities for a full and happy life.
• The specific objectives of special education shall be the development and maximization of learning competencies, as well as the inculcation of values to make the learners with special needs a useful and effective member of society.
• Formulates policies, plans and programs for the preparation of instructional materials, and evaluation of programs in special education;
• Conducts studies and develops standards of programs and services for special learners;
• Establishes/strengthens linkages with agencies concerned with the education and welfare of children with special needs.